Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nose Games

Competitive nosework: focusing on games to exercise a dog's mind rather than on how to play by the rules.

I found a great new DVD, Nosework Search Games, by Norwegian dog trainer,Turid Rugass, author of the classic book Calming Signals) and one of her students, Anne Lill Kvam. Much of the film's footage is from actual seminars the two women conducted throughout Europe. It is a Zen-like experience to watch.

In the DVD, there are step-by-step instructions on how to train your dog for "the lost retrieve," "the square search," and the "search for treats" (an easy one for my dog!). The women often call dogs "harmonic," and talk about letting dogs be themselves.

After the credits on the DVD, Turid talks about her dog following her car tracks to town without her knowing. You can really feel the love and admiration she has for dogs.

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